DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

French Case

  • Highly standardized at national level
  • moderate level of stratification of secondary education (academic vs. vocational)
  • medium vocational specificity of secondary education
  • France = organizational space not occupational status
  • Major expansion has happened, in part due to vocational bac.
French Labor Market
  • Permanent contract "the norm"
  • Strong protection for insiders, and little protection for outsiders
  • High youth unemployment 
Is there a direct effect of class background on class position? Yes -- on first job and current job, and occupational prestige.
Has direct effect of class background increased over time? 
Yes -- have some support that it has increased over time. 
From 1993 to 2003 - no decline in direct effect of class origin, some signs of increase, particularly those for from upper service class; tertiary education accords access to highest positions less systematically today than in the past. Tertiary education still protects from beloging to working class. 
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.